Saturday, May 29, 2010

Somehow we got stuck with a support mission. There's tons of unexploded ordinance (UXO) laying around and we hear gunfire all day long, but is this really our job? Sure there's the occasional firefight to listen too, but we feel like fobbits. People who live on the forward operating base (FOB). I'm one of the few Soldiers that actually goes outside the gate every day, but we don't go far into town.

So the other day it poured for two days straight. The training area is a giant desert surrounded by mountains, and when it rains, all kinds of shit turns up. Buried trucks, dead things, and UXO. Some village kids we've know for a while came and found us, and explained they found some bombs. Well those bombs turned out to be about six live artillery rounds the Russians left behind. Artillery rounds make road side bombs, and road side bombs destroy Humvees. Hmmmmmmmmm glad we found them first.

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